Samantha Kelly

Baby Name: Kendall

Amount of breastmilk: 405oz

Instagram: @samanthhakelly

When my son was born in 2019 I had an oversupply of milk, I breastfed him for 17 months and donated almost 1000oz of breastmilk to BC Women's to be distributed to hospitals. I found the Booby Food Instagram page in the middle of my first breastfeeding journey before Janna was accepting out of province shipments. When I had my second baby, which we knew would likely be our last, I knew I needed to use the Booby Food service to extend our journey just a little bit more and have the ability to add into both kids food & smoothies! I held on to the last few bags from my first to add to my current milk as I knew there was the option of truly not wasting a drop with Booby Food!!🙌🏻 I cannot wait to get my milk back in a shelf stable form and find out all the nutritional facts!🤯

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