General Information

Can you accept breastmilk in bottles or only in bags?

Does Booby Food sell breastmilk?

Can I buy freeze-dried breastmilk?

I have extra breastmilk, can I donate it to Booby Food to freeze-dry for another family?

What is the maximum amount of breastmilk you can freeze-dry at once?

How long will it take to receive my processed Booby Food?

I don’t know much frozen breastmilk I have – what’s the easiest way to find out?

If I have 25oz of frozen breastmilk, and my friend has 75oz of frozen breastmilk, can we combine our order?

Health & Safety

How do I know I'll be getting my own breastmilk back?

Does your facility undergo safety and cleanliness inspections?

High Lipase Breastmilk

My babe doesn’t like the taste of my previously frozen breastmilk, will freeze-drying help?

How do I know if I have high lipase?

How to Use Freeze-Dried Breastmilk

Can I use my Booby Food to make a bottle?

How do I fortify a bottle with my Booby Food?

How many bottles can I make with 1 pouch of my Booby Food?

How much Booby Food will I get back from my liquid breastmilk?

If I give you 100oz of frozen breastmilk, can I remake that 100oz back after freeze-drying?

My breastmilk bags have different amounts and some are more watery/fattier – will I have different water ratios for each bag?

The Phat 5% (because fat ain’t bad…it’s good!)


Is my Booby Food service covered by health insurance?


Are the nutrients preserved after freeze-drying my breastmilk?

Is nutritional testing available?

Older Breastmilk

Can Booby Food be made from frozen breastmilk older than 6 months?


How much does it cost to freeze-dry my breastmilk?

How will I be be charged for my freeze-drying service?

If I send more breastmilk than what I originally booked for, am I automatically up-charged?


What if I’m not local?

How do I ship my breastmilk?


How do I store my Booby Food?

How long does my Booby Food keep?

Advice on this Website

Can I take the information on this website and use it as medical advice?