Paige Zion

Baby Name: Kai

Amount of breastmilk: 1760oz

Instagram: @peachy.paigeee

While pregnant, I always envisioned myself breastfeeding my baby. But as we know, motherhood doesn't always work out the way we planned.

I was heartbroken. I wasn't able to nurse, but knew I wanted my baby to still get that liquid gold. Helloooo exclusively pumping! 

I was very strict on my pumping schedule, which resulted in a fairly large freezer stash. I luckily found Boobyfood from another amazing mama I follow on Instagram. I immediately knew I wanted Booby Food to handle my stash. 

They have been super accommodating and I'm so excited I'll be able to provide my baby with all the amazing breast milk nutrients  for the years to come! 

Exclusively pumping has been a big challenge, but I now wear my pumping badge with honor!

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