Baby Name: Bodhi
Amount of Breastmilk: 44.25oz
Instagram: @keirabonham
I had the most incredible, 15 month long breastfeeding journey with my first baby, so assumed the second time around would be just as easy. It was not, and inevitably, heartbreakingly not meant to be. It was an extra hard pill for me to swallow knowing that I wasn't going to be able to pass on COVID-19 antibodies to my son. Having been vaccinated while pregnant, believing I could do that for him had given me great peace of mind. Truthfully, not breastfeeding like I had planned was shattering. So discovering an option like Booby Food existed for me and my son was a godsend!!! I pumped as much and as often as I could, fighting my dwindling supply. But every ounce was SO worth it, because I knew I'd be sending it to you! My boy is almost ready for us to start introducing solids, and the fact that we'll be able to sprinkle in breastmilk for him is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Thank you for what you do. This road is very emotional, and connecting with a business that has Mamas at its heart is everything.