Diana Koke

Diana Koke

Baby Name: Joseph James 

Amount of Breastmilk: 100oz

Instagram: @Cheerfuldiana 

Tiktok: Dianalvarez

My first baby has been the best rollercoaster ever. I had an almost perfect pregnancy. He was always kicking and moving, getting bigger everyday. I have the most detailed plan for delivery. Boy was I in for an awakening. First I wanted to try to have him naturally, no epidural. After a full day of Contractions, I couldn't handle it anymore. Good thing I did get it because after 2 days of labor my doctor tells me my other plan of having him vaginally is not possible. For the safety of my baby I agreed to a c-section. He came out perfect and healthy. I had my son and nothing can bring me down. And then he lost the magic number of weight. 11% of his birth weight in two days. My breast milk hadn't came in yet and it wasn't enough. So the amazing nurses told me to keep trying and to supplement with formula. That's when I lost it. All the emotions of this pregnancy and delivery came out all at once. I had officially failed as a mother in my eyes. How dare my body betray me like this. I cried for almost 3 hours. I called the lactation consultant and asked her to help me. She would come into my room every two hours to help me latch my son and stayed with me. She taught me positions and massages to help the flow. 6 days after he was born my milk came in. And boy did it come. I yelled it out loud in my house, "I'm a beautiful cow!" Well that was 5 months acai. And this has been the most beautiful experience in my life. Don't ever give up if this is what you want. And don't be so hard on yourself if it takes some time. 

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