Stefania Pederson

Stefania Pederson

Baby Name: Olivia 

Amount of Breastmilk: 1400 oz 

Instagram: @stefaniasanson

First time mamma of a beautiful baby girl Olivia. She was born with a tongue tie and lip tie so she didn’t latch from the beginning so I decided to pump exclusively, I wanted to breastfeed and give my baby my own milk and thankfully I'm able to produce enough milk to feed my baby and freeze some more (currently pumping 8 times a day!!), I'm planning on pumping for the first year of her life and use the Booby Food powder milk after the first year but if I'm not able to keep my supply (or my mental health gets affected by all the pumping and lack of sleep) I would like to be prepared and have my milk ready for her. Already filled my freezer with milk so I want a more convenient way to store it and Booby Food offers that convenience. I’m very excited about this and the fact that it is an option

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