Michele Keller

Michele Keller

Baby Name: Hunter 

Amount of Breastmilk:  715oz

Instagram: @michelenoelanik

My breastfeeding journey with my daughter has been completely different than with my son. When I had my son, I produced about half of what he needed for the day. I fell into a deep depression, feeling like I was a failure for not being able to feed my son.

I went into my pregnancy with my daughter in a very healthy place mentally. When she was born, my milk didn't come in for several days. We were in the hospital for 4 days, and were so blessed to be able to give her donor breast milk. After a couple of weeks I was able to provide her with just my breast milk.

Though completely different than with my son, my breastfeeding journey with my daughter has also been difficult. We've dealt with me being an over producer with a fast let down, my daughter not wanting to nurse, and some days my body just not able to produce enough milk. It's been so hard but also so rewarding. I'm so grateful to be able to freeze dry my milk and give my daughter this gift.

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